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Traditional coffee pot 2 pint

Out of Stock

Vintage Denby Manor Green traditional 2 pint coffee pot

Well designed and extremely practical Denby’s stoneware range in Manor Green has excellent heat-saving properties, making this tea-time china the perfect choice for a hot cup of tea or coffee. Handles are comfortable to hold, spouts and lips pour well, and the rich glaze brings a handsome and homely addition to your kitchen and dining table. Manor Green is no longer in production today, yet its classic lines, serene colour and rich glaze have stood the test of time, and it fits comfortably into the 21st century home. It has proven to be Denby’s classic table china of choice, making this vintage range now much sought after. 

Country of origin England

Date of design c.1950

Diameter  12cm 

Height 17.5cm 

Volume 2 pints

Before making your purchase please click on the following link and read our guidelines about what to expect when buying vintage china.

What do we mean by vintage Manor Green Denby Ware? 

Out of Stock